Weekly Update 9.4.24
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On September 4, 2024
Thank you for remembering to stop by and check in to our weekly updates. Don’t forget to locate the secret word below and write it in your child’s agenda for an extra class reward point.
Be on the Lookout for…
- Wednesday folders (formerly Tuesdays) are coming home today. School papers and work samples will typically come here every OTHER week, but for now I am sending whatever arrives in my mailbox.
- Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for curriculum night- Thurs Sept 19th. This is for parents only and will go over testing and specifics for your 3rd grader.
- Thank you Mrs. Lord for volunteering to be our class room mom.
- Students will take the Beginning of Grade State reading test (aka BOG) in class Monday, September 9th at 9:30. STUDENTS NEED THEIR CHARGED CHROMEBOOK to take this assessment, so please help ensure this occurs. This test is not a grade and just gives us baseline data to better serve your child. Results will be sent to you a few weeks after. Please let me know ASAP if your child will not be here that day. word- BOG
- Please ensure your child has a book tote for your their self selected books. Ask your child if you are unsure what type of bag this should be! They also should have their own set of HEADPHONES here at school.
- Thank you to all parents who have downloaded the Talking Points app.
- I will provide Scholastic Storyworks magazine to our class this year. This is a great way to expose students to grade level content across all genres of reading. Please send $10 cash or check made out to Scholastic ASAP. I am placing the order this week.
This week in Literacy:
Students are beginning literacy assessments this week in the areas of fluency, comprehension and context clues. These will help give us an idea of what students know and give us a baseline on how far students will grow this year.
We are also learning about theme and the “gist” of a stories from all over the world. Our goal is to see and connect learning challenges all people face. So far we have been to Venezuela and Columbia.
This week in Math:
We are continuing to connect repeated addition and patterns to open our minds to multiplication and division concepts. Memorization of facts is not the goal (YET…) rather, I want to ensure students know when and WHY multiplication should be used. There are tons of great resources for this skill- please check some out here in this amazing math review resource organized by skill.
A year long “Scope and Sequence” which lays out our math curriculum pacing for the year can be found here
This quarter in Social Studies:
Students will learn about the structure of local, state and national government. We will create a classroom government as well and vote on a variety of real and imagined scenarios. Take time to highlight government in action when you are utilizing libraries, parks, roads, and more!