Weekly Update 4.24.18
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On April 24, 2018
Be on the Lookout for…
- Tuesday Folders will come home today, but no more student work samples will come home until the last few weeks of school. Students need to hold onto samples to prepare for student led conferences (coming towards the end of May). If you need to see any specific work samples in that time, you are welcome to swing by and have a look!
- Join your Oakview friends and your favorite 3rd grade teacher at CarnivOWL on Friday, April 26th from 6-8:30 here at school. Mrs. Vaughan will be in the dunking booth at 7pm! word-CarnivOWL
- Please mark your calendars, student led parent-teacher conferences will be held the week of May 21-25th. Students will spend time reflecting on their work from the whole year, goal setting for EOG’s and 4th grade, and sharing some of their favorite pieces. Please plan for at least 1 parent to attend, free of siblings if possible so the focus can remain on your 3rd grader. Sign up slots are listed here. Please RSVP 🙂
- It is very rare, but if you think your child may benefit from Single Subject Acceleration, please fill out the form found on the Oakview site. A video on the topic may explain this further. With specific questions, contact our AIG teacher Kim Holland kholland5@wcpss.net.
This week in Literacy:
Students will spend the week with Poetry and figurative language. They will read a lot, and write a bit, and enjoy the rhythm and flow that comes with this type of text.
This week in Math:
Students are telling time to the nearest minute and estimating elapsed time this week. Elasped time is a tricky concept to understand, so we teach our students to solve these problems using number lines. Please help reinforce this concept at home as you are able. A video lesson is located here🙂
Here is a parent guide for helping you and your student understand our main learning outcomes
Current vocab: hour, minute, elapsed time, interval, quarter till, quarter after
Concepts to review: place value, addition with regrouping, subtraction with borrowing, rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, quadrilateral, parallelogram, trapezoid, rectangle, square, rhombus, arrays, repeated addition, area, perimeter, rectilinear area, commutative property (flip flop rule), number line, product, distributive (break apart method), associative property, graphs, pictographs, bar graphs, numerator, denominator, unit fraction, partition, number line, visual model
A year long “Scope and Sequence” which lays out our math curriculum pacing for the year