Weekly Update 2.22.22
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On February 22, 2022
Happy 2’s day!
- Tuesday folders will not come home today since they came home last week on Thursday with 3rd quarter interims and work samples.
- Please check icecream sundae sheets in agendas every Tues and Thurs to see how your child is doing on their timed multiplication quizzes.
- We will start a Read Across America at home reading challenge next Tuesday, March 1st. Details will come home in next week’s folders. This is also a great time to refresh your child’s at home book library and create some excitement about age appropriate books. In agendas today you’ll find a scholastic book order packet. Instructions are included in the flyers if you’d like to order. word-scholastic
- Please mark your calendars for our 3rd grade Food Truck Rodeo/Oakview spring chorus concert. More details will be coming forth, but THURS MAY 19th, students will be asked to stay afterschool as apart of our economics project presentations. Families will be invited to join their students in our classroom, and then enjoy the 4 food trucks that will be here. You are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, towels, etc to post up on the lawn and enjoy the DJ and concert!
This week in Literacy:
All month we will explore Black History Month where I will introduce our children to a new person or two each day who represents people of color who have made significant contributions to our world. I hope this may create some great conversations at home! Some of the resources we will use are digital books that can be accessed between 7am-3pm. Feel free to use at home as able. BHM art gallery and BHM book library
Our class is reading Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone this month. If your child has their own copy of this story or wants to get one, they are welcome to bring them in!
In Module 3 we will focus on reading classic chapter books. As a class will will dive deep into Peter Pan by JM Barrie and use this text to explore text dependent questions, character traits, point of view, theme, and more! Please check for any classics you can get your hands on to share at home. A list of some great classics can be found here.
This week in Math:
Students are continuing a lengthy, but exciting Fractions unit. Lots of vocab is important in understanding this concept. Here is a parent guide for helping you and your student understand our main learning outcomes
Current vocab: numerator, denominator, unit fraction, partition, number line, visual model
Timed multiplication quizzes are in full swing!! Your child has an icecream sundae sheet in their agenda to keep track of their successes with these 90 second timed quizzes. There are 16 questions on each quiz and students pass with a 15/16 or better. If they do NOT pass, there will be a makeup opportunity each Friday during arrival. All quizzes will come home the day they are taken and will be located inside the plastic X sundae page. Please do what you can to help prepare your child for these fun and important assessments! QUIZZES WILL BE EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. Your child chooses which fact to quiz themselves on until they complete all!