Weekly Update 1.11.22
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On January 11, 2022
Be on the Lookout for…
- There are no Tuesday folders today. You will receive more work samples with the 2ns quarter report cards next Friday.
- Our field trip will be 1/28 to the NC Museum of Science in downtown Raleigh. I have all permission forms but still have several students unpaid. Please submit your payment of $12 ASAP.
- If you asked to be a chaperone, look out for specifics closer to the trip.
- Next Thursday, January 20th, students will take 2nd quarter math checkins tests online using their school issued Chromebook.
This week in Literacy:
Our class is reading Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone this month. If your child has their own copy of this story or wants to get one, they are welcome to bring them in!
In Unit 3 of our Frogs Module, students will focus on becoming good researchers by reading and rereading to find answers to questions. We will work on locating and using a variety of text features, then use new found knowledge to eventually create a research piece and Freaky Frog trading card!
This week in Math:
Timed multiplication quizzes have begun!! Your child will have an icecream sundae sheet in their agenda to keep track of their successes with these 90 second timed quizzes. There are 16 questions on each quiz and students pass with a 15/16 or better. If they do NOT pass, there will be a makeup opportunity each Friday during arrival. All quizzes will come home the day they are taken and will be located inside the plastic X sundae page. Please do what you can to help prepare your child for these fun and important assessments! QUIZZES WILL BE EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. Your child chooses which fact to quiz themselves on until they complete all! word-sundae
Students will be working with geometry vocabulary and concepts over these next 2 weeks. This topic is fun but vocabulary is KEY to understanding. For this reason, students will keep a geometry cheat sheet inside their agendas.