Mrs. Vaughan's Classroom



Weekly Update 2.22.22

Happy 2’s day! Tuesday folders will not come home today since they came home last week on Thursday with 3rd quarter interims and work samples. Please check icecream sundae sheets in agendas every Tues and Thurs to see how your[...]

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Weekly Update 2.15.22

Be on the Lookout for… Tuesday folders come home THURSDAY with 3rd quarter interim reports. Please review at home and return any necessary papers. Please check icecream sundae sheets in agendas every Tues and Thurs to see how your child[...]

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Weekly Update 2.8.22

Be on the Lookout for… Tuesday folders come home today. Inside you will find some work samples, yearbook order forms, and MClass Middle of Year reading benchmark data. Please review at home and return any necessary papers. Please check icecream[...]

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