Mrs. Vaughan's Classroom



Weekly Newsletters

Weekly Information from Mrs. V's Classroom

Weekly Update 9.20.16

Oops- Mrs. Vaughan forgot to hit “post” on her update for this week. Just put the kids to bed and thought, “I forgot something!” So- the word- oops 🙂 Be on the Lookout for… Individual PICTURE DAY was today. Picture packs[...]

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Weekly Update 9.13.16

Tuesday Folders are FULL today of student work samples, school forms, and more. Please take time looking through and responding to paperwork. Most student work samples will come home graded with a 1, 2, 3 or 4 after this week. Be[...]

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Weekly Update 9.6.16

Thank you for remembering to stop by and check in to our weekly updates. Don’t forget to locate the secret word below and write it in your child’s agenda for an extra class dojo point. Be on the Lookout for…[...]

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