Weekly Update 3.12.25
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On March 12, 2025
Be on the lookout:
- Student folders will come home today with some work samples and school information.
- There is a folder here with pictures and videos from Fun Run and our Class plays yesterday.
- ❄️Due to snow cancellations, there are no more teacher workdays this year. I understand some of you may have planned to be away so PLEASE let me know a couple days ahead of time if your child will be absent March 14, April 7, or May 2. I would like to maximize instructional time as much as possible!
- ✖️Timed multiplication quizzes will now be Wed and Fri each week. The goal is to master as many facts as possible before Spring Break. Please be on the lookout for a sign up genius to help support our Multiplication Sundae Celebration on Wed, March 26th.
- We have an end of unit reading celebration on Thurs, March 27th. A Pirate Party! There are a few items on our wishlist to make this a fabulous time. Pirates Booty popcorn, gold and silver nuggets, pirate hats, and pirate tattoos. Any other items below are just part of the running wishlist but not for the party. Thank you for choosing ONE item if you are able to support this celebration! word-arrrrgh
- Our field trip is around the corner to the Greensboro Science Museum. More details coming soon, but please plan to drop students to school between 7:45-8:00am. We will return between 3:00-3:30pm for regular dismissal.
This week in Literacy:
️Reading passport- Students have until Friday, March 28th (day before spring break) to “Read Across America”. Each 20 minutes of reading equals a new state stamped by me in class on their passport. If they reach the goal of 1000 minutes by the deadline, they will be invited to an afterschool Luau to celebrate their reading stamina! All YOU have to do parents is acknowledge the reading titles and minutes each night at the bottom of agendas. Students are of course encouraged to read over weekends too:) This is meant to be FUN; please be sure your child isn’t stressing and staying up until midnight reading! Thank you for supporting your child as we push them to be voracious readers with improved reading stamina!
In Module 3 we will focus on reading classic chapter books. As a class will will dive deep into Peter Pan by JM Barrie and use this text to explore text dependent questions, character traits, point of view, theme, and more! Please check for any classics you can get your hands on to share at home. A list of some great classics can be found here.
This week in Math:
Students are continuing a lengthy, but exciting Fractions unit. Lots of vocab is important in understanding this concept. Here is a parent guide for helping you and your student understand our main learning outcomes
Current vocab: numerator, denominator, unit fraction, partition, number line, visual model
This week in Science:
ESS.3.2 Understand the structures of the Earth’s surface using models. ESS.3.2.1 Use models to compare Earth’s saltwater and freshwater features (including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, and glaciers). ESS.3.2.2 Use models to compare Earth’s land features (including volcanoes, mountains, valleys, canyons, caverns, and islands).