Mrs. Vaughan's Classroom



Weekly Update 2.1.22

Be on the Lookout for… There are no Tuesday folders today. You will receive more work samples next week. Our field trip has been postponed to Friday, April 1st. Chaperones who were already arranged and approved- please plan to attend[...]

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Weekly Update 1.11.22

Be on the Lookout for… There are no Tuesday folders today. You will receive more work samples with the 2ns quarter report cards next Friday. Our field trip will be 1/28 to the NC Museum of Science in downtown Raleigh.[...]

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Weekly Update 1.4.22

Be on the Lookout for… Tuesday folders are full of student work today. Please review these items with our child and be sure to focus on both areas of improvement and SUCCESSES!  Our field trip will be 1/28 to the[...]

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