Weekly Update 12.4.24
By carrievaughan In News & Updates On December 3, 2024
Be on the Lookout for…
- 2nd quarter interim reports will come this Friday. Please review. No need to return these.
- Tomorrow, Thurs 12/5 students will take their 1st NC Math Checkin. Please ensure students are on time and have a charged device ready to go for that day!
- LIL’ SHOPPERS WINTER WORKSHOPPE Lil’ Shoppers Winter Workshop (shopping and more) Thursday December 5th from 5:30-8:30pm
- Shopper Information & Certificates: https://oakvwelem.myschool.holidayshop.org/gifts
- Note: For the Lil’ Shoppers – payments with gift certificates are highly encouraged. Credit card processing requires a $10 minimum purchase. word-shopping
- Sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4BAAA623A1F4C70-53437465-winter
- GIFTCROWD The PTA has once again organized a Gift Crowd page for our staff this year. This is an easy way to show love to your teachers during the holidays. It is open for purchasing now until December 19th. A separate email will follow. https://app.giftcrowd.com/app/join-event/NXhAFTKTOz
- OAKVIEW TREE @ WINTERFEST & TREE TRAIL New for 2024! Oakview PTA has sponsored a tree during the Winterfest and Tree Trail event. To decorate the tree, we are selling ornament kits. Owl Ornament Kits can be purchased here https://oakviewes.givebacks.com/
- Thank you to all who have turned in Greensboro Science Center field trip permission forms. Thank you also to all who have paid for the field trip online.
- The Oakview Spelling Bee is coming up! You should have received an email message from the school with details. Some of them are listed below
- Written test (to qualify for school bee) on Friday, December 6th in the Cafeteria from 9:30-10:30. This is for students only!
- School Competition List
- Words of Champions List
This week in Literacy:
In Module 2 we explore the wild world of frogs in fiction and nonfiction! We will be reading and writing narratives through Poems and Pourquoi Tales about Frogs. We have already defined the French word and it’s meaning and are excited to explore many tales that explain the origin or reasoning behind something. Even if modern science debunks some of these, they are fun to think about!
This week in Math:
We are back to multiplication and division strategies in unit 4 for the next several weeks. We are reviewing the strategies used in multiplication (Number line, repeated addition, skip counting, arrays, and equal groups drawings) and will also cover unknowns and the PROPERTIES for multiplication (commutative, distributive, and associative). We will continue to solve MULTI STEP addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through number lines, arrays, visual models, and more! Multiplication/division will be the MAJOR focus on 2nd quarter. Memorization of facts is an expectation come January! May as well start prepping now!
There are tons of great resources for this skill- please check some out here in this amazing math review resource organized by skill.
This quarter in Social Studies: In 2nd quarter, students will learn about the 5 Themes of Geography.