Mrs. Vaughan's Classroom



Weekly Update 8.27.24

By In News & Updates On August 27, 2024

Welcome to Mrs. Vaughan’s 3rd grade class. I am so excited for a new year and hope you are ready to hit the ground running! Please check this site EVERY Tuesday afternoon. I will send the link through Talking Points announcements once a week as a reminder. It will have important dates, needs, and academic topics we are currently covering. There will also be a secret word embedded in the update. If you write the word at the bottom of your students’ agenda, they earn an extra reward point each Wednesday morning!

What you need to know this week: 

  • Tuesday folders will not come home today.  Look forward to some papers from me and student samples every few weeks.
  • If you haven’t already, please read through the folder given to you a Meet and Greet last week. Return any papers and send supplies as requested. This includes a book tote for your child’s self selected books. Ask your child if you are unsure what type of bag this should be!
  • Please fill out the parent questionnaire form ASAP. I am still waiting for a few.
  • Thank you to all parents for connecting to your child on Talking Points! This makes communication a breeze. If you ever want to add or remove a guardian, just let me know! 
  • I will provide Scholastic Storyworks magazine to our class this year. This is a great way to expose students to grade level content across all genres of reading. Please send $10 cash or check made out to Scholastic ASAP. word-Storyworks

This week in literacy: Please check Tuesday folders for an overview on our first reading unit. This wonderful unit will take us around the world and expose us to a variety of cultures your child may or may not be familiar with.  A good deal of our first weeks will be spent going over procedures and learning routines. Students will learn new expectations and what strategic reading looks in 3rd grade. I will be gathering a good deal of baseline data as well. We will also be covering the structure of our writing block.

This week in math: Please click here for a Scope and Sequence of 3rd grade math. We are starting with multiplication from the get go in Unit 1! Students will learn to look for patterns and understand multiplication as repeated groups. The 4 strategies we will use to teach this are: Equal groups (picture models), Number Line, Arrays, and Skip Counting.

VOCAB: Equation, product, Equal groups, Number Line, Arrays, and Skip Counting.

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